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It is a flaying process which is used for renewing of skin and at treatment of blemish. As controlled, it is a purifying process to dead layers of skin.

What types of peelings are there?

According to applied substances:

  • Chemical Peeling.
  • Herbal Peeling (Green peel, Blue peel,… )
  • Fruit acidic peeling
  • Carbon peeling
  • and as others are named.

How often can applications of peeling be made?

Everyday can application of peeling be made? Generally time of peeling is preferred as winter and spring months. Because of risks of side effect in summer, making of this application is not wanted. In summer types of eye peel, nano peel are applied under doctor’s control.
  • According to condition of skin and type of peeling which is applied, not only 7-14 days break but also once in a month they can be applied.

How many séance is peeling of treatment planned?

  • Number of séance is not fixed, afterwards surgery according to patient’s skin type numbers of séances can be determined.

How is an application procedure of peeling process?

  • This situation will change according to types of peelings. Afterwards cleaning of skin, the application is made .In the course of process, according to concentration which is made, may be inflammation sense. Process of neutralization which will be applied, it will decrease to this inflammation sense.

Afterwards the application which factors must we pay attention?

  • Afterwards the process at least 2-3 days hot water must be avoided. At some applications first 24 hours water is not suggested whereas generally washing with cold water can be suggested. Definitely sun cream shouldn’t be neglected.

Is there any side effect of peeling?

  • As depend on dose, may be changes of color and scars, allergic reactions may happen. In this situation, they must be controlled by your doctor definitely.

Uygulamadan sonra nelere dikkat etmeliyiz?

  • İşlemden sonra en az 2-3 gün sıcak su değdirilmesi istenmez. Bazı uygulamalarda ilk 24 saat su değmesi istenmezken genel olarak soğuk su ile yıkanması önerilebilinir. Güneş koruyucu asla ihmal edilmemeli.

Peelinglerin yan etkisi var mı?

  • Doza bağlı olarak renk değişiklikleri ve izler olabilir, alerjik reaksiyonlar gelişebilir. Böyle durumlarda mutlaka hekiminiz tarafından kontrol edilmeli. Bu yan etkiler için doktorunuzun önereceği ek tedavi ve ilaçları kullanmanız gerekebilir.


  • It is one of the skin renovation programs.
  • At the rates of 30-50-70 % fruit acidic can be applied.
  • It is more superficial application than chemical application peeling.
  • Beforehand the process a doctor’s control is suggested.
  • It is helpful for decreasing of blemish and thin wrinkles.
  • Beforehand the process a doctor’s control is suggested.
  • It is helpful for decreasing of blemish and thin wrinkles.
  • Afterwards the process scabbing may occur.
  • It can be applied as 10-14 days periods.


  • It is herbal peeling method which can be applied to face and body.
  • Also cares can be suggested for blemish, thin wrinkle and loss of elasticity.
  • Beforehand the application doctor’s control is suggested.
  • According to type of skin there are different application protocols.
  • Afterwards the application first 4-24 hours water must be avoided.
  • Beginning from process afterwards 3-4 days reactions of white peeled are expected. Lasting of this peeled is expected as average 3-10 days.
  • Afterwards the application suitable for skin sun cream must be used.
  • Séances can be applied as 2 weeks break.


  • One of the options is eye peel for around of eye blemishes and for thin wrinkles.
  • Due to fact that around of eye is more sensitive region, more controlled working of peeling must be made.
  • The application can be made for both eye and face regions.
  • It is applied as pre peeling, peeling and post peeling which prepare to skin.
  • Afterwards the process water must be avoided until 3-4 hours.
  • 3-4 séances can be planned as 2 weeks break.
  • Suitable for skin support of sun cream is suggested.

!!!Accordingly regulation application of deep peeling must be made by a doctor under clinical conditions.